The Shrewd Steward: Investing in Eternity

Have you ever considered that the best lessons in life often come from unexpected sources? Sometimes, it's the bad examples that teach us the most valuable truths. This paradox is beautifully illustrated in one of Jesus' most overlooked parables - the story of the unjust steward.

In this thought-provoking tale, we encounter a rich man who discovers his manager has been squandering his wealth. Upon learning this, the rich man demands an accounting and informs the steward that he will soon be out of a job. Faced with this crisis, the steward devises a shrewd plan. He goes to each of his master's debtors and reduces their debts, hoping to secure goodwill and future favors from them.

At first glance, this story might seem to condone dishonesty. However, Jesus uses it to illuminate a profound spiritual truth: "for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." (Luke 16:8).

What could Jesus possibly mean by this? Is He suggesting we emulate the steward's dishonesty? Far from it. Instead, He's challenging us to match and exceed the worldly wisdom of non-believers when it comes to eternal matters.

Consider this: If people who have no eternal hope invest so much energy and ingenuity in securing their temporary, earthly future, how much more should we - who have the promise of eternity - invest in our everlasting future?

This parable isn't about spending; it's about investing. It's about the dividends we pay to the ultimate Owner - God Himself - through our stewardship of the resources(time, talent, treasures) He's entrusted to us. Those resources- all are on loan from God, and one day, we will give an account for how we've managed them.

The Apostle Paul reminds us in Hebrews 9:27, "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" For believers, this judgment isn't about salvation, but about stewardship. It's as if God is saying, "I gave you X amount of time, X amount of treasures, X amount of talent. Now, let's look at my portfolio. Is it better off because of what I entrusted to you?"

The key question is: Did you squander these resources, or did you invest them?

Jesus provides a startling directive in Luke 16:9: "And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations." This isn't about buying friendship or salvation. Rather, it's about using our earthly resources to advance God's kingdom, leading others to Christ who will then welcome us in heaven.

In essence, Jesus is calling us to "transmute" our resources - to transform something of temporal value into something of eternal worth. It's about being future-oriented, not just for our earthly lives, but for eternity.

How do we do this? By investing in kingdom enterprises that bring about the salvation of sinners. By supporting those who preach the gospel, by investing in missionaries, by using our resources to further God's work on earth.

Here's a challenging question: Have you used your stewardship to make any friends who will be at the gate when you arrive in heaven? Or will your arrival be a solo performance?

The beauty of God's economy is that it's never too late to start investing wisely. You can't change the time, talents, or treasures you've wasted in the past, but you can certainly change your future trajectory. You can overcome past failures by investing wisely in your heavenly dwelling from this point forward.

Jesus emphasizes that faithfulness in small things leads to faithfulness in big things (Luke 16:10). It's not about how much you have, but about your priorities and commitment. Are you unselfish, humble, generous, and non-materialistic? Is your heart truly set on heaven?

The stakes are high. Jesus warns that unfaithfulness in managing worldly wealth can lead to forfeiting spiritual and eternal blessings (Luke 16:11-12). We may accumulate endless earthly possessions, but if we're not careful, we'll miss out on the true riches - the things that last for eternity.

Ultimately, Jesus boils it down to a stark choice: "No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon(wealth)." (Luke 16:13).

The orders of God and mammon (wealth) are diametrically opposed. One calls us to walk by faith, the other by sight. One to humility, the other to pride. One to set our affections on things above, the other on earthly things. We simply cannot serve both.

So, what will you choose? Will you, like the people of this world, shrewdly secure your temporal future? Or will you, as a child of light, invest even more wisely in your eternal future?

Remember the words of Jim Elliot, a missionary who gave his life spreading the gospel: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."

The possession of wealth is not inherently wrong. Instead, it's a means God has provided for us to secure eternal rewards and heavenly friends. Our capacity to worship, praise, and enjoy God in eternity is intricately connected to how we steward our resources now.

As you reflect on this parable, consider: How are you using your time, talents, and treasures? Are you investing them in light of eternity? Are you using the "unrighteous wealth" at your disposal to make eternal friends?

The world is acting shrewdly to secure a temporary future. How much more should we, as believers, act wisely to secure our eternal future? The choice is yours. Will you be a shrewd steward, investing in eternity?

Pastor Aaron

Pastor Aaron has been the pastor of LBC since 2018. He has been in full-time ministry for over 15years.


The Heart of Giving: A Matter of Motivation


The Perspective of Stewardship: Finding True Wealth in Godliness and Contentment